Ambient Interior Design

In my career as an interior designer, the most requested style I’ve been asked to create is one of relaxation. Having many years of creating these environments lead me to write this workbook for all the people in my life who’ve said, “I wish I could have you design every space in my house.”

Well…now you can.

This workbook is my method on how to change a space from frenetic to soothing and beyond. You are instructed, room by room, on how to take the environment from stale and tired to aaahhhhhh...and ideas on new ways to use the rooms within your home. It literally is…step by step, as I walk around the space with you. Start with one room this weekend and see how far you get with this method; and have fun doing it. The best part…you don’t have to purchase new items, unless you want to. I’ve instructed you on how to use what you have until you are ready to replace items with more ambient items.

I talk a lot about art within design and an ambient interior is also its own form of art. An ambient interior simply means adding more natural, nature inspiration to an otherwise sterile environment. Bringing more natural elements and nature sounds to our environment can have a positive impact. We are, after all, part of nature ourselves…no mater what the computer world would have you think. You can use this method with any style, from rustic to modern; you’ll have the guide to teach you how to see your style remain or emerge!

After doing the exercises in this workbook, some of my friends are now using this method to help their friends with their environments.

A total transformation…it’s all up to you. You have the tool in your hand…make use of it!

Until next time…


The Upside of Downsizing

By looking at the board you might ask; what does a caftan have to do with downsizing? Being lighthearted through the process of change is one of the intriguing ideas in this booklet.

If you or someone you know is considering downsizing or just starting out in a new home, they may appreciate the concepts in this booklet.

Bye for now...reaching in the closet for my caftan!

Hummingbird With Tim Burton Magic

Investing in your natural environment can pay huge dividends.

With patience and practice, a cross section of natures most amazing and picturesque images can be both enjoyed and captured.

Making a commitment to silent observation can produce beautiful ambient rewards.